"Hydrofluorosilicic acid: a chemical so corrosive and toxic, it carries a warning label. Since 2002, the city has been injecting it into the water supply, in an effort to stem tooth decay."
Dentist speaks the truth:
"It accumulates in your bones and other places as well,” said Dr. Griffin Cole, an Austin dentist and opponent of fluoridated water.
Cole won’t use fluoride in his dental office.
"No fluoride. I don't have any fluoridated toothpaste in the office. I don't do any fluoride treatments, never have. I don't recommend it. I openly tell my patients that,” said Cole.
Cole says despite the lack of fluoride, there’s been no increase in cavities in his patients.
"Drinking water with fluoride in it does not have any benefit to the teeth, whatsoever,” he said."
Hero of the year... dentist, Dr. Griffin Cole, Austin, Texas