Gold demand doubles amid economic gloom and frozen interest rates

“Central bank statements have confirmed their fears.  Savers rarely regret the decision to steer clear of governments which address economic problems by printing money. At the moment, every day, about 2,000 people in the English-speaking world are despairing of economic policy and its effects on their savings, and they are turning to gold and silver.”

Web privacy tools to warn of internet tracking cookies

"Internet users will receive a warning if sites do not respect their privacy thanks to new tools being developed by the web's standards setting body.

It is designing controls to shield personal data and reveal when sites do not honour privacy requests."

A bright idea! The EU may have banned old-fashioned bulbs, but sparky entrepreneurs have alighted on a ruse to keep selling them

"Some of the new lamps placed in old fixtures will give about 30 per cent of the light of the old one, which makes them very energy inefficient."

Pssst... wanna buy an old light bulb?

Supreme Court Hears Whether GPS Counts as 'Big Brother'

The Catholic Church’s one-world government

US FDA finally admits chicken meat contains cancer-causing arsenic

"...the FDA has now finally admitted that chicken meat sold in the USA contains arsenic, a cancer-causing toxic chemical that’s fatal in high doses. But the real story is where this arsenic comes from: It’s added to the chicken feed on purpose!

Even worse, the FDA says its own research shows that the arsenic added to the chicken feed ends up in the chicken meat where it is consumed by humans. So for the last sixty years, American consumers who eat conventional chicken have been swallowing arsenic, a known cancer-causing chemical."

Water Fluoridation War | Government Admits Dangers, Experts Speak Out

"Communities are attempting to end water fluoridation, mainstream news is acknowledging its negative effects, and even a number of professional dentists have recognized the dangers of fluoride, and spoken out against its use and distribution."

From 7 Billion People To 500 Million People – The Sick Population Control Agenda Of The Global Elite

"...many are very open about the fact that they believe that the earth should only have 500 million people (or less) on it.

For example, the first of the "new 10 commandments" on the infamous Georgia Guidestones states the following....

"Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature."

CNN Founder Ted Turner would go even farther....

"A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."

"The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent." -bill gates

Intellistreets: Big Brother or Big Idea?

India firm launches gold, diamond 'cash machine'

"...while Indians are the world's biggest importers and consumers of the precious metal."

Eurozone ‘Collapsed’, Euro to Vanish, FinansInvest CEO Says

“I believe that the European monetary union doesn’t exist anymore...”

Evil PG&E Sneaks Smart Meters On Home GAS Services

Notice the WiFi symbol on the top-right of the meter.


“Another half century of peace and prosperity in Europe is not to be taken for granted. If the euro fails, Europe fails. We have a ­ historical obligation: To protect by all means Europe’s unification process begun by our forefathers after centuries of hatred and blood spill. None of us can foresee what the consequences would be if we were to fail."

Barclays Says Italy Is Finished: "Mathematically Beyond Point Of No Return"

Country Comparison :: Account Balance

Yikes! The 'wealthiest' countries are the poorest.

Ventura, miffed by court, says he's off Mexico

"...he was subjected to a body pat-down after an airport metal detector went off last November. Ventura said he hasn't flown since and won't fly commercially again."