Global Monetary Power Shifts from Dollar, China Stakes Claim, Rescues Currencies of Argentina and Russia

"Another strategic step to dislodge the dollar from its dominance.

By swapping yuan for rubles or pesos, China is putting yuan in the hands of two countries with significant consumer bases. And what are yuan used for besides propping up flailing currencies? Buying Chinese stuff!

Argentina and Russia are both resource exporters. Argentina’s economy pretty much hinges on exporting agricultural products, and also possesses oil and gas, precious and base metals, and bulk commodities. Russia’s economy is oil and gas. China can use the swapped pesos and rubles to buy these valuable and needed commodities from its trading partners."

The World Changes On Monday, December 29, 2014!

"...China has announced the launch of Yaun trading with Russian Rubles, set to begin on Monday, December 29, 2014!

So while the US continues to parade with "destroying" the Russian economy... Russia and China continue to be nudged by the west ever closer monetarily and strategically, until one day... China and Russia will announce a joint currency, one backed by both China's "surprising" gold reserves and Russia's commodity hoard."

*** Two videos in this story.***