"Unbeknownst to most of the US, right now a new world monetary system is being put in place. When this comes on line completely, odds are that it will basically kill the US Dollar as the global reserve currency.
This new system is called The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank – also known as the AIIB.
40 countries (60% of the world’s GDP) are now jumping the US ship like rats and setting up financial swap lines to bypass the dollar and SWIFT system. The fact that China, Russia, India, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom have all joined this new alliance, it means that the Eurozone itself as of today has abandoned the dollar, and preparing for transitions to commence with the new AIIB banking system.
Once this new system is completely in place, the US dollar won’t be needed in these countries. They will have the means to transact financial commerce thus cutting the US and The World Bank out of the picture."