Eco-Fascism Bares Its Teeth: Global Warming Alarmist Wants to Barcode Babies

Elizabeth Moon: "If I were empress of the Universe I would insist on every individual having a unique ID permanently attached – a barcode if you will; an implanted chip to provide an easy, fast inexpensive way to identify individuals."

"Moon’s proposal sounds like something out of Nazi concentration camps, where prisoners were tattooed with five digit Hollerith numbers to identify them using a punch card system developed by IBM."

"Elizabeth Moon’s call for barcoded babies serves as another stark reminder that the environmental movement, while it hides behind a soft and cuddly veil of ‘green’ trendiness, has in fact been hijacked by ruthless authoritarian savages who want to impose the kind of tyranny the likes of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union witnessed, but on a global scale and with a technocratic elite sitting atop the power structure."