Nestle CEO Says You Shouldn’t Have The Right to Water

"Water is essential to the human body and having access to good, clean water, should be a right of every person on this planet. While that is my opinion, the former CEO of Nestle, Peter Brabeck, has a very different opinion and one that might shock you.

Brabeck stated rather clearly in an interview for a documentary called “We Feed The World,” that he believes water should not be a public right and that it should be something only the wealthy have access to. A rather interesting statement from the CEO of the 27th largest company in the world, who does over $65 billion in business with a good portion of that coming from bottled water sales.

Here’s a list of Nestles brands that you may consider boycotting. Brands: Arrowhead, Aqua Spring, Calistoga, Deer Park, Deep Spring, Ice Mountain, Glaciar, Klosterquelle, Nestle Wellness, Nestle Pure Life, Ozarka, Poland Spring, Perrier, S. Pellegrino, S. Barnardo, Water Line, Zephyrhills."